Sunday, July 27, 2008

Welcome, Yerma and Hayden

I honestly didn't believe people when they said that pregnant women sometimes dislike a person during their entire pregnancy. I was totally caught off guard when I became the object of that dislike to my friend, Yerma. Dislike is saying it quite nicely. Hate, detest, disgust, loathe and maybe even some words in French that can't be listed here was more like it.

Yerma and I were good friends. I saw her everyday practically before she left for Colorado last year. She was a constant lunch companion, we swam together for exercise when I hurt my ankle and couldn't run, and she even became somewhat of an emotional bodyguard defending me from my ex-girlfriends when they called me on the phone. We were pretty tight, I felt. So, I was actually pretty hurt and felt wounded when I couldn't share in Yerma's pregnancy. I mean, I had big plans when I heard that she was coming back to Saipan. I was going to be her Lamaze coach. I was going to be on-call 24-7 for any weird pregnancy cravings that she might have. I was going to be at the delivery room to take the Apgar score and refuse an episiotomy. But then she hated me.

Two days after her return, I knew that there was something different in her tone and facial expression. A few days later, a total blow out occurred and we were both pretty unforgiving of each other. The only thing left to do was to bow out of her life gracefully and let go. It wasn't easy, but what can you do when a friendship becomes toxic.

Well, last week I got a surprising phone call. Yerma apologized and basically said that we were all right again. I was apologetic myself reminding her that it wasn't all her fault. I told her I missed her.
I missed you, Yerma. Thank you.

Welcome to my world, Hayden Luke. We'll have so much fun!

Luckily, the old wives tale about the baby looking like the person whom the mother didn't like during the pregnancy didn't come true. Hayden is lovely, just like his mother.

Ti napu.

The Beachcomber

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