Monday, September 7, 2009

138: Fired up...Ready to go

I haven't had a television, cable service and satellite/digital service for that matter, for more than 10 years. Today at 4 in the morning, I woke up to my President talking about "firing up" the Health Care Reform debate in AFL-CIO's Labor Day Picnic live! There has been talk about him losing momentum and support about the debate. During the speech in Cincinnati, Ohio he thanked the laborers, investing in the middle class, talked about options, and called out his critics stating that beyond the criticism, what their their solutions? There has been a vigorous debate about the issue, but "now is the time to decide."

Like a lot of people, tackling health care disparities was one of the issues that was important enough for my consideration to support his presidency. When I go back home, I'll have to rely on the Tribune, Variety, radio and the Net to get updates. I felt the power of live media, in my President's moving speech. I am going to miss live television and sharing in the moment. "Ready to go!"

In other news, Tila Nguyen a.k.a. Tila Tequila, social networking celebrity of MySpace and Twitter, has stopped tweeting! Well, I am sure that this is a temporary setback to her social media activities due to an alleged attack by an NFL player.

People really follow this stuff no matter how important you may or may not see the issues to be. Mass media is powerful.

Ti napu.

The Beachcomber

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