Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Saipan Dandelions?

I have always been fascinated by dandelions and I finally found the "dandelion substitute" on Saipan that I was looking for!

It is apparently an introduced species that originally hailed from eastern and central Africa according to PIER. This is Emilia fosbergii which is more commonly known as Flora's paintbrush or red sow thistle. It is in the Aster family like the dandelion. It is named after the late Botanist Ray Fosberg whom you can read a little about in the University of Guam Herbarium website. You'll find information about my old biology professor there as well! Ah, the memories!

I thought I'd have to substitute the dandelion with a plant from a totally different family for wish making on Saipan (but I have a biology class story about that too!). Now that I found Emilia, I can make a proper wish.
When you find your dandelion, what will you wish for?

Ti napu.

The Beachcomber


  1. I think we have some of these in my yard. I pretend they are dandelions too, although I have given up on the wishing.

  2. Hey nice pictures.
    I am now following your blog :]

    I hope you could follow me back thanks a lot, Dan.

